Reviewing .NET 7

👨‍💻️ ☕️ So since I’m on a break after my latest coding adventure I’ve decided do some writing. I’ve been checking up the latest in the .NET-world and this time I’ve checked up .NET 7 which have been out for a while now. Here’s a list of some of it’s features and how they can improve life of .NET fullstack-developers.

  • Many performance improvements, me like 💨.

  • Improved JavaScript interop with .NET WebbAssembly. For all Blazor lovers out there looking to leverage the huge amount of resources from the JavaScript community.

  • Observability with OpenTelemetry. OpenTelemetry is an open source project that aims to support collection of application logs, metrics and tracing for all major platforms and provide a standard format that different backend vendors like Dynatrace, Datadog, New Relic, Grafana and others can adopt. This will in effect give developers a clear choice on how to collect this data more securely and avoid expensive💰🤑 vendor-lockin.

  • The dotnet CLI now supports publishing a project as a 🐳 docker image without a Dockerfile. This is not a big feature, but it may make it easier for more .NET-developers to adopt docker and perhaps in the future it can make building docker images more efficient for dotnet builds.

Next post coming up I’m going to share a new dotnet CLI project template I’ve been working on for SPA web apps with React.js ⚛️.


Vertical Slice Architecture For .NET 7 + React.JS